“Spectrum of Care” is a fairly new term. What does it mean for the Stanton Foundation?

Veterinarians have a wide spectrum of diagnostic and treatment options they can provide for their patients. These options range from technologically advanced and expensive interventions to less advanced, less costly options. The specific care provided along this spectrum for an individual patient will be influenced by many factors, including: the knowledge and skills of the veterinarian; the current scientific evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of available treatments, recommendations, or best practice guidelines; practice-specific goals; culture; available resources; and the owners goals, values and resources. Through education, training, and evidence, the Foundation hopes to empower primary care practitioners to practice broadly along this spectrum to serve a diverse clientele.

I own my own practice and, over the years, have successfully treated Rodenticide poisoning using a range of techniques. We do a little better than break even and it has brought me very loyal clients. I have no experience with clinical research. Can I apply?

Yes! The Foundation will work with you to find a school of veterinary medicine or clinical research organization that can help organize the trial. You will be a “Co-investigator” and credited in any publications.

Our shelter runs a large not-for-profit clinic. Can our staff apply?

Yes, but one of the criteria for funding is that the procedure is financially sustainable for a for-profit veterinary practice. So the clinic would need to show that the protocol to be tested would generate revenue over expense specific to the protocol in a commercial setting where costs are not offset by donations.

What is the funding timetable?

If your proposal is accepted, you will receive funds within four weeks of approval notification.

Can research that benefits other companion animals be considered?

Dogs must be the primary beneficiary of any project. Proposals that are not dog-centric will not be considered.

What expenses will a grant from Stanton cover?

In general, a Stanton grant will cover all out of pocket expenses (i.e. expenses that would not have been incurred but for the clinical trial). Such expenses include salaries and benefits for any new hires, a proportion of the salaries and benefits of existing staff spending time on the trial, supplies, and other materials. In addition, the Foundation will pay a “management and overhead” charge not to exceed 10% of out of pocket costs if required by the host institution.

Will the Foundation pay for new capital equipment to be used in the trial?

Requests to pay for new capital equipment will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be considered will include the useful life of the equipment and likely use by the clinic after the trial is concluded.