Spectrum of Care Clinical Research Program

Improving canine health and welfare is one of the Stanton Foundation’s primary missions. Within canine health, our primary interest is ensuring that quality veterinary care is available to dog owners of modest economic means.

Research suggests that one primary barrier to care is that veterinarians have too few diagnostic and treatment options to offer their patients. This is particularly true with early career veterinarians, who have limited experiential evidence. They may perceive great risk in offering their patients choices other than the "best option” and when the client cannot afford “the best,” the other choice on the menu is economic euthanasia.

The Foundation is committed to expanding this menu. It aims to support clinical research that will expand the number of evidence-based care options readily useable by primary care veterinarians. This research may focus on diagnostics, procedures, or therapeutic protocols. The ultimate goal is to allow the veterinarian to responsibly serve a more economically diverse client group while maintaining an emotionally and financially rewarding practice.