
Eligible DVM’s will have a deep level of medical knowledge, several years of clinical experience in small animal practice, and a demonstrated interest in serving an economically diverse clientele. Collaborative teams of specialists (in academia or private practice) and non-specialist veterinarians (in primary care general practices, urgent/emergency care clinics or shelter settings) are encouraged to apply.

Funding is available to veterinarians either on a independent contractor basis, or as a grant through a College of Veterinary Medicine to a faculty member or resident. Please note in the event of funding through a university, no more than 10% of the grant budget may be allocated to overhead costs. Grant amount will be proportional to the scope of the work, which will depend on the topic selected. We anticipate most proposal budgets will fall between $5,000-$25,000.

Please note the selected topic MUST be a canine condition commonly seen in general practice. The intent of the literature review (to include PubMed and/or CAB Abstracts) is to concisely summarize the available evidence for managing this condition. The article should then expand on this literature review from a spectrum of care perspective by describing a cost-effective approach to managing this condition with the available evidence in mind. The article should include a risk and benefit comparison of this cost-effective approach to the “gold standard” or more extensive and expensive approach to care for this condition. A cost analysis including both cost to clinic and cost to client for the described approach should also be presented.